Year, 2009
(6th Semester)
CS-74 CS-75
CS-74 CS-75
| |
| Assignment No. | Submission-Schedule | ||
For Jan-June Session | For july-Dec Session | |||
CS-72 | BCA(6)-72/Assignment/09 | 15th April,2009 | 15th October,2009 | |
CS-73 | BCA(6)-73/Assignment/09 | 15th April,2009 | 15th October,2009 | |
CS-74 | BCA(6)-74/Assignment/09 | 15th April,2009 | 15th October,2009 | |
CS-75 | BCA(6)-75/Assignment/09 | 15th April,2009 | 15th October,2009 |
Course Code : CS 72
Course Title : C++ and Object Oriented Programming
Assignment Number : BCA (6)-72/Assignment/ 09
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2009/30th October, 2009
There are eight questions in this Assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance your explanations. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words.
Q. 1 Explain four major advantages of Object Oriented Programming with the help of an
example each. (2 marks)
Q. 2 Explain the following terms in the context of object oriented programming. Also explain how these concepts are implemented in C++ by giving an example program for each.
(a) Single Inheritance
(b) Abstraction
(c) Encapsulation
(d) Function Overloading
(4 marks)
Q. 3 Explain the concept of late binding and dynamic binding with the help of at least two examples. Are these concepts related to polymorphism? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)
Q. 4 What is the need of UML? Explain the use of any two diagrams used in UML with the help of an example of each.
(2 marks)
Q. 5 Explain the usage of the following C++ operators with the help of an example program.
(a) sizeof operator
(b) bitwise AND operator
(c) ++ as post increment operator
(d) Dereferencing operator
(2 marks)
Q. 6 Write a function swap that exchanges the values of two variables using a third variable, by using the:
(a) Pointers
(b) & (address of) operator
Explain the two functions that you have written.
(2 marks)
Q. 7 Create a class hierarchy for the Worker and Supervisor using C++. The Worker class should include details like worker ID, Name, address of the worker, department ID and Supervisor ID. The classes should have necessary functions to input the required information and a polymorphic function to print the details of the workers or supervisors. For the worker’s this print function should output the worker ID, Name and Supervisor ID. Whereas for the supervisor’s this function should out put the Name and department ID of the supervisor. Please note that a supervisor is also a worker. Make and state suitable assumptions, if any.
(4 marks)
Q. 8 Write a template class “stack” in C++. The class should have functions for push, pop, stack full and stack empty. Use this template to create a stack of integer and a stack of character. Make suitable assumptions, if any.
(3 marks)
Q. 9 Create a class IntStr that stores a positive decimal integer as a string (the maximum number of decimal digits in the string can be assumed to be only 5 digits, so the maximum value that can be stored is 99999, whereas minimum value that can be stored is 00000.). The class should have a copy constructor, and an overloaded + operator. The overloaded + operator should perform the addition. On addition using this + operator, if the length of result exceeds 5 digit then the class should give the result as 00000. Write the necessary main() function to demonstrate the use of the class.
(4 marks)
Course Code CS-73
Course Title : Theory of Computer Science
Assignment Number : BCA(6)-73/Assignment/2009
Maximum Marks : 25
Last date of Submission : 30th April, 2009/30th October, 2009
This assignment is having five questions. Answer all the questions.
Q. 1 Define the following concepts formally/mathematically, with one example for each:
a) Regular Language
b) Primitive Recursive Function
c) Turing Machine
d) Unsolvable Problem
e) Turing-Decidable Problem
f) Mealy Automata
g) Universal Turing Machine
h) Deterministic Finite Automata
i)Context-Free Grammar
j) Godel Number
(5 marks)
Q. 2 Construct a DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata) accepting the following
w has an even number of a’s and odd number of b’s }
(5 marks)
Q. 3 Construct Turing Machine for the following languages:
(i) {anbncn : n > 1}
(ii) {wwR : w is any string of 0’s and 1’s} (5 marks)
Q. 4 Find the minimum state finite automaton equivalent to the following
transition diagram :
Q. 5 Design the Push Down Automata (PDA) which accepts the language:
Course Code : CS-74
Course Title : Introduction to Internet Programming
Assignment Number : BCA(6)-74/Assignment/09
Maximum Number : 100 (weightage = 25)
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2009/30th October, 2009
This assignment is having six questions. Answer all the questions.
Q. 1 Answer the following questions through examples:
(i) What are the benefits of inheritance in Java programming? (6 marks)
(ii) What are the applications of super and this keyword? (2 marks)
(iii) What is the use of the final modifier? (2 marks)
Q. 2 (i) What is the input and output to a Java compiler?. (2 marks)
(ii) What is the relationship between Java and HTML? (2 marks)
(iii) What is the import statement for? (2 marks)
(iv) What are the differences between application and applets? How do you
run an application and an applet? (9 marks)
Q. 3 (i) Describe the JAVA throughable class hierarchy and types of exceptions.
(10 marks)
(ii) What is the purpose of claiming exceptions? (3 marks)
(iii) What is the keyword throw and throws used for? (2 marks)
Q. 4 Design a menu-driven interactive programme to find out capital cities of all the states of India using switch statement. (20 marks)
Q. 5 Admission to a professional course is subject to the following condition:
a) Marks in mathematics > = 60 (20 marks)
b) Marks in Physics > = 50
c) Marks in Chemistry > = 40
d) Total in all three subjects > = 200
Total in mathematics and Physics > = 150
Given the marks in the three subjects, write a programme to process the applications to list the eligible candidate.
Q. 6 Write a programme to perform binary operations on integer argument. The arguments and operators should be accepted using command line parameters.
(20 marks)
Course Code : CS-75
Course Title : Intranet Administration
Assignment Number : BCA (6)-75/Assignment/ 09
Maximum Marks : 25
Last Date of Submission : 30th April, 2009/30th October, 2009
There are five questions in this assignment. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance your explanations.
Q. 1 Define the term “Intranet”. (3 marks)
Q. 2 Define the term “Extranet”. (3 marks)
Q. 3 Explain the differences between Internet and Intranet. (3 marks)
Q. 4 How can it be ensured that the transactions that take place across Intranet are secure? Explain with an example. (10 marks)
Q. 5 What is Internet Protocol Version 6.0? Explain any two features of it?
(6 marks)

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