The BCA provides an understanding and skills related to the use of computer and its application. Its design is based on the BDP programme of the IGNOU, with a special focus on computer application and possibly of moving on to an MCA after completing the BCA.
The minimum duration of the course is 3 years ad the maximum duration is 6 years. The facilities for counselling and practical second and third year will, however, not automatically be extended after first year of study. Practical sessions in subsequent years is at the discretion of the University and subject to payment for the same. During practical 2 students have to share one computer. In the first year total no of practical sessions is 40 (10 sessions in semester - 1 and 30 sessions in 2nd semester ). In 2nd year total number of practical session is 40 and in 3rd year total number of practical counselling sessions is 60. Each practical counselling session is equal to 3 hrs.
The BCA comprises of the following courses year-wise.
First Year
1st Semester & 2nd Semester
CS-610 : Foundation course in English for Computing
CS-612 : P.C. Software application Skills
FHS : Foundation Course in Humanities & Social Science
CS-60 : Foundation Course in Mathematics in Computing
CS-611 : Computer Fundamentals
CS-62 : C Programming & Data Structure
Second Year
2nd Semester & 3rd Semester
FST : Foundation Course in Science & Technology
CS-06 : Introduction to DBMS
CS-63 : Introduction to System Software
CS-64 : Introduction to Computer Organisation
CS-05 : Elements of System Analysis and Design
CS-65 : Window Programming
CS-66 : Multimedia
CS-67 : A RDBMS Lab
Third Year
5th Semester & 6th Semester
CS-68 : Computer Network
CS-72 : C++ and Object Oriented Programming
CS-69 : TCP/IP Programming
CS-73 : Theory of Computer Science
CS-70 : Introduction to Software Engineering
CS-74 : Introduction to Internet Programming (JAVA, ACTIVEX)
CS-71 : Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques
CS-75 : Intranet Administration
CS-76 : Project
After passing BCA 3rd year a student can join from MCA 2nd year

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