Posted on 5:06 AM by Hamid and filed under


Here are some of the “open source” and java based shopping cart…..no magic, just do a Krugle

* Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/strutmyshop
* Programming language: Java
* License: GPL

jspShop is a JSP-based eCommerce platform. It allows you to build online stores with shopping carts, product categories, and secure ordering. It relies on a Java backend and some sort of transactional database. jspShop aims to be cross- platform and to provide a user-friendly interface for administration and maintenance. The backend is designed to be as reusable as possible.

* Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jspshop/
* Programming language: Java
* License: GPL

FrontStore is a web-based shopping cart application and server side administration such as order management, product inventory and customer management. It utilizes best of breed Java technologies such as JSP/Servlets, EJB and xDoclet.
* Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/frontstore
* Programming language: Java
* License: GPL

This project is an open source e-commerce shopping cart written in Java and JSP under the Struts framework and making use of Tiles for the templating framework. The application is designed to be highly configurable and customizable.

* Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/netpushcart
* Programming language: Java
* License: GPL
* OS: POSIX Linux Win-95/98 Win-32bit

eShop is a online shop system written in lightweight Java.
* Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eshop
* Programming language: Java
* License: GPL

eYuan is a feature packed out-of-the-box online shop solution for small to intermediate size companies. It is similar to osCommerce, but Java-based. eYuan is based on some well-designed frameworks, such as Hibernate, Struts, Spring, etc. No EJB needed.
* Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eyuan
* Programming language: Java _JavaScript
* License: Apache-20
* OS: POSIX Win-32bit

a simple web-shop framework. receives orders from a web front-end (browser) and delivers to producer at specified time. written in tiger (java 5.0).
* Project homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/karpuz
* Programming language: Java
* License: GPL

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Response to ... Open source and java based shopping cart
Hamid said... June 20, 2009 at 2:39 PM


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