Repair Incomplete or Corrupted Files
I used to send partially-downloaded AVI files to the recycle bin until I stumbled upon Digital Video Repair.
It helps repair incomplete AVI files downloaded from P2P sites and also incomplete torrent files. It could also fix an incomplete AVI file from a DVD Rip.
First you input the file and DVR immediately reveals the status of the file.
You can see from the screenshot above that the incomplete AVI file that I input was damaged.
I press the Repair! button.
DVR checks the file.
It then starts repairing it. At the end of the repairing process it makes another copy of the file and places it in the same directory.
For a freeware it does an exceptionally good job although it was unable to recognise a few partially-downloaded AVI files.
Problems With Incomplete AVI Files
Now.the thing with partially-downloaded AVI files is that they can freeze with certain players. But it worked well with the VLC player. However, I could not use the seek feature, meaning I couldn't fastforward it while it was playing. When I did the whole movie froze. Windows Media Player would not play the file at all citing no codecs available for it.
After repairing the file with DVR I could fastforward and rewind with VLC !
Editing an Incomplete AVI File
The next thing I did was to try to edit the repaired AVI. Magix Movie edit pro could not import it. Even AVCutty could not accept it citing invalid format.
So, how did I go about editing the repaired file? I converted the AVI file into a MPEG1 file with IMtoo Converter after which I used Magix Edit Pro,to edit and output it to VCD!
What was an unusable file is now functional, never mind if it's incomplete.
Something is better than nothing.
PS. I could not test out corrupted AVI files because I had none available. Maybe you could give a try and let me know the outcome.

One of the most frustrating moments of a person's life is when he downloads a movie from the internet spending 5-6 hours and almost 1 GB bandwidth and then realizes that the darn AVI file is broken and no video player can play that file, including VLC. You have none to blame but yourself at that time. So, here is a solution for you. Wbhy don't you just repair it. Is it possible? My answer is, Yes.
DivFix++ is a FREE widows utility which lets you repair corrupted files and you can also preview parts of the movie files which you download and combine them to form the final movie file.
You can fix a list of corrupted AVI files in one go as the program supports a list more than one avi file to be repaired in one run. Drag and drop all the AVI files you want repair, select them all in the list and press Fix button at the bottom of the interface of DivFix++.

What is Edit Plus ?
EditPlus is a text editor, HTML editor and programmers editor for Windows.
How to configure Edit Plus to compile and run JAVA code ?
Go to Tools >> Configure
Click Add Tool >>
Tool #1 (for compiling the code)
Menu text : compile
Command : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin\javac.exe (Browse for javac.exe)
Argument : $(FileName) (File Name)
Initial Directory : $(FileDir) (File Directory)
Check "Capture Output" and "Save Open Files"
Tool #2 (for executing the code)
Menu text : run
Command : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin\java.exe (Browse for java.exe)
Argument : $(FileNameNoExt) (File Name Without Extension)
Initial Directory : $(FileDir) (File Directory)
Check "Save Open Files"

Tool #3 (for applets)
Menu text : applet viewer
Command : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\bin\appletviewer.exe
Argument : $(FileName) (File Name)
Initial Directory : $(FileDir) (File Directory)
Check "Save Open Files"