Posted on 10:35 PM by Hamid and filed under
Key Pressed Javascript Key Code
backspace 8
tab 9
enter 13
shift 16
ctrl 17
alt 18
pause/break 19
caps lock 20
escape 27
page up 33
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end 35
home 36
left arrow 37
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u 85
v 86
w 87
x 88
y 89
z 90
left window key 91
right window key 92
select key 93
numpad 0 96
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numpad 8 104
numpad 9 105
multiply 106
add 107
subtract 109
decimal point 110
divide 111
f1 112
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f12 123
num lock 144
scroll lock 145
semi-colon 186
equal sign 187
comma 188
dash 189
period 190
forward slash 191
grave accent 192
open bracket 219
back slash 220
close braket 221
single quote 222
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Posted on 2:58 AM by Hamid and filed under


All that hard work sending out resumes has finally paid off and you've been called in for a face-to-face job interview.


This is an important step in your job search. It's also your only chance to make a lasting first impression.
On the day of your interview, sweating palms and stomach butterflies are to be expected. But you can reduce your stress level by knowing some common mistakes that interviewees make when meeting with potential employers -- and avoiding them.

Here are 10 of the most common mistakes people make on job interviews:

1. Not taking the interview seriously: Don't make the mistake of thinking the interview is just a formality. Even if all the preliminaries have gone well, don't be cavalier and start imagining how you'll start spending your new salary. The biggest error you can make is to assume that, because you've gotten this far, the job is in the bag.

2. Dressing down: How you present yourself during your initial meeting with a potential employer is very important, and your physical appearance can speak volumes to someone who is meeting you for the first time. Even if you know that the firm allows employees to wear jeans, don't sabotage yourself by showing up to the interview in casual clothing. Err on the side of conservative and show up in neat, professional clothing, preferably a business suit.

3. Not showing why you're the best choice: Be familiar with the job description of the position you're interviewing for so you can illustrate how your experience, abilities, and strengths are in line with the company's needs. Many potential employers want to know why they should hire you specifically. Make it clear to them.

4. Being too modest: Failing to talk yourself up during an interview is one of the most self-defeating mistakes you can make. This is not the time for humility, so sing your praises! Don't be afraid to talk up everything you've accomplished, whether in school or in previous companies. This is your time to shine.

5. Talking too much: Be careful not to talk over the interviewer. This meeting should be a two-way conversation, and many interviewees cover up their nervousness by blathering on. Sit calmly and listen carefully, answering questions thoughtfully.

6. Focusing on the funds: Don't start talking about money too soon into the interview. Focusing on your salary requirements and previous salary history right off the bat may cause you to reveal too much. While the topic of salary will certainly come up, follow the interviewer' s lead. He or she may be saving that topic for a later conversation.

7. Trash talking: Even if you hated your former boss or felt you were treated unfairly by your previous employer, a job interview is not the place to launch into a litany of complaints. Don't go there. If you were laid off or fired from a previous position, be prepared with an explanation that puts a positive spin on the circumstances.

8. Failing to ask questions: Your résumé may be impressive on paper, but employers also appreciate a candidate who can ask several intelligent questions during an interview. Prepare at least 3 or 4 questions in advance to ask the interviewer. Interviews are an exchange of information, and not having questions to ask can reveal a lack of preparation.

9. Lack of enthusiasm: This is your first and sometimes only chance to showcase your personality. Don't walk in announcing how you're having a bad day. Be polite and upbeat. Show your enthusiasm for both the job and the opportunity to interview for it. And don't forget to thank the person at the end of the interview!

10. Forgetting the follow-up: Make sure to send a handwritten thank-you note or polite email to the interviewer expressing gratitude for his or her time and consideration.. And while you don't want to start calling the company on a daily basis, a phone call checking in a week after the interview is perfectly acceptable.

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Posted on 7:35 PM by Hamid and filed under

Google will have a bazillion different listing s for this, all complicated processes. Maybe i just got lucky with this one, but try it first!

My problem was an install from windows update the often gets corrupted, xml4. Whenever I shut down my computer, Windows said it is installing update 1 of 1. It toggled between the message of “Installing update 1 of 1″ and a don’t turn off the computer, it would shut down by itself. But it will stay on that until I force shut down, and still be there whenever I want to restart or shutdown. If this is you:

      1. Disable automatic updates > more on that
      2. Download “msxml4-KB936181-enu.exe” from the Microsoft site, not Windows Update.
      3. Run the program > Remove
      4. Reboot
      5. Run the program again > Install
      6. Turn on Automatic Updates. I left automatic updates OFF, but the problem should be fixed so you shouldn’t have to.
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Posted on 1:32 AM by Hamid and filed under

dhe orissa e-Admission declared College wise 1st Selection List at dheorissa.in. DHE Orissa 11th Std 1st Selection List at www.dheorissa.in DHE Orissa Selection List 2009 at www.dheorissa.in
Department of Higher Education Orissa 11th Standard First Selection List 2009 at www.dheorissa.in

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Posted on 3:46 PM by Hamid and filed under

Visual Studio Recent Project List

Sometimes we create projects just for experimentation and then soon after we are done with the experimentation, we delete the project from the file system in order not to clutter up our working environment. But what about Visual Studio? The Start page of Visual Studio has a list of recent projects and it is meant for a convenient feature. But for the experimental projects that no longer exist, that list does not really reflect the reality.

To remove the projects from the list, follow these steps:

  1. Close Visual Studio if it is running.
  2. Start the Registry Editor (run regedit).

  3. Navigate to this registry key:

  4. Then delete the key that has the project you do not want to keep in the list.

A little note to keep in mind is that the list only lists consecutive items starting File1. So if in the above list I deleted File6, then only projects corresponding to File1 to File5 will be displayed in the recent project list. File7 and above will not be displayed. If in case you like File7 and above to be displayed, you will need to rename one of the keys so that they form a consecutive numbered list.

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Posted on 11:28 AM by Hamid and filed under

Some people prefer not to display the label count in their blogs as it looks a bit unprofessional. Lets say if you have a label 'Funny sms' with 50 label count and another one ' Good morning sms' with 2 as label count... less people will show interest on clicking the second one.
hiding blogger label count
So, lets see how to hide or remove the Label count in your blogger blog(s)...

1. Sign into Blogger dashboard » Layout » Edit html
Tick the expand widget templates and remove this line from the template..

<span dir='ltr'>(<data:label.count/>)</span>

removing blogger label count
2. Save the Changes and done!

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Posted on 3:01 AM by Hamid and filed under
Hamid - World
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